Friday, December 23, 2016

CIVIL SERVICES (MAIN) EXAMINATION 2016 [PART 1]: My experience (2 of 2)

This blog post has been continued from the previous part. You can read the previous blog post here.

[Part 1] Continued....

I thought that sitting for long hours to study with no physical work would prove detrimental for my health. I had started getting fatter. Walking wasn't making much difference. And then came this unfateful day - the day when I decided to start jogging. The day I started running, believing that everything would be alright, the next day I was lying in bed with muscles at the back of my leg tight enough making it difficult for me to even walk properly. My ankle was aching like anything. Unfortunately it was inflammation in tendons again. I had to take rest for another couple of days.

As if this wasn't enough that my luck had some other problem in store for me. At the end of the first week of October as the pollution in Delhi started escalating, I started facing severe pulmonary issues. I could not sit and study for long, not even 1 hour at a stretch. My nose was consistently running and eyes irritating. And amidst all this the thing I was more worried about was my preparation. I tried every ayurvedic and home remedy but in vain. I visited a Doctor but felt no improvement. At the same time I had to fill in the Detailed Application Form which was also taking a good chunk of my time. My efficiency along with my confidence was at an all time low. I know this is nothing in comparison to what can happen to one. But still, it was enough to break you, enough to make you lose faith in you. And now all kind of queer thoughts premised on superstitions started haunting my mind like - first August wasted, then this tendinitis and now this allergy (which would later turn out to be something unexpected) - my luck doesn't want me to reach the interview stage this year. I felt helpless and after almost 20 days of trying and remaining unsuccessful in healing myself, I decided to go home.

I went back home on 26th October and got a check-up done and I was happy that I took this decision partly because just 2 days later the conditions in Delhi started deteriorating and partly because I was diagnosed with Bronchitis which was transiting from acute to chronic & that at home I would get complete care. I returned back to Delhi on 3rd November. The pressure had built up immensely with a lot remaining to be done and only a month in hand. I was broken and couldn't understand what to do. But then I was motivated by my brother who said those magical words to me - "Have confidence in yourself. This 1 month that you apparently wasted was not in your hands. This 1 month cannot decide your future. It is the hard work that you've been putting in since the last 2 years." Now this was a logical enough statement that provided me a push enough to work hard for another month and do the impossible. These words worked like a charm. This along with motivation by a few of my very close friends helped me pump up the momentum.

I framed a strategy and I started working accordingly. I literally pushed myself to the limits. Even I myself never knew that this was the level of dedication and perseverance that I can reach. This is no bragging about myself but to show that when you have right people with you at the right time you can do wonders. And believe me, that was 1 single spark by my brother that helped me do this. I started taking more tests - even two tests a day to simulate the examination condition. The only thing that I had in mind while writing tests was that I had to write with confidence and I applied my mind to the maximum possible I could while writing the tests and it worked wonders. I started scoring well in tests. This went on until November 20th after which I focused only on revision and skipped all other tests that were there in the test series. Next 10 days I revised and revised and revised. Nothing new (except History :P ).

Now, I, just like other aspirants, faced another problem. Any guesses? Yes! The centre I was allocated to write the main examination was quite far from the place I stayed. But then I tried to keep away myself from thinking about this issue and took metro to and fro during all the 5 days (most of the people did this - I met many of them in the metro itself. This was when I thought that everybody else is facing the issue - why to cry over it). But coming back, I wasn't in a very good shape to revise things. Still out of the fear that I had to I did it. Every day I used to say to myself - Just X more days left... Don't ruin your preparation just because you want to end it asap. This went on for 4 days. And, as I was writing the last paper and it was about to end, I was seeing a big sigh of relief approaching me. On December 9, as the clock struck 5 the invigilator ordered - "stop writing", this time instead of me wanting to scribble a little more, I wanted to hand over my answer booklet to the invigilator and was happy that it was ending.....



1. CIVIL SERVICES (MAIN) EXAMINATION 2016 [PART 2]: Result & Surprises
2. What to do & what not to do while preparing for Civil Services (Main) Examination.

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