Sunday, November 16, 2014

#1: The end of another chapter.

Yes! This is it... the harsh reality of life feels to be harsher.... it is the end... the end of another chapter of life... the end of another episode of life... no re-telecast, no recording, only a vague reminiscence of the past left in mind, only to be cherished for a lifetime. With geographical distances separating the physical beings, our souls are still bound together, tethered to the place where we spent the most beautiful and the most amazing phase of our life. These 4 years have taught us enough and forged our minds with permanent imprints of exquisite memories that will remain green forever.

Its the final day, we've received the receipt of checking out of this phase of 4 years of being together. Its our Convocation, the day of the commemoration of 6 years (4+2) of our hard work. But for me, its the other way round. The other face to the coin is that we are not going to meet again altogether, I know it and that's for sure. But still, the unbound faith of my mind keeps hallucinating me forcing me to realise as if nothing's over, as if its just a usual small break and there's another semester coming. Friends, yes they are bastards but still you can't live without them, and I could well realize it while bidding them adieu when they pacified my sentiments with the same old cliche "Koi na s*%le, tension na le, milte rahenge". Huh... an addition to the hallucination of my mind that towed away the perception of reality I once had.

All these years we had fun, we enjoyed life in every way we could but there was also a darker side to it. Quarrels, fights and some degree of hatred, that is natural to occur in a gathering, only added to the worth of bonding we had with others because it is innate in human nature to realize the actual worth and essence of people in their life when they know that they are not going to meet those people again, not any time sooner atleast. This was discernible this time when we met again after 6 months of staying away when keeping our differences away we had the best gathering ever. This made our lives livelier than ever.

But the spirit is still not pacified, there's something missing! Give me another 4 years and still something would be missing again!

Now that everyone would be back to hell, they'ld have no other option but to move ahead and to carry on the same monotonous schedule.

I know its impossible, but I feel like breaking the shackles of nature travelling back to the same phase, the same place, coveting to be a part of the same environment and the same people. All that I know and have realized is that life has given me so much and no matter whereever I am, whatever I do or whoever I am, life would never be the same again. :(